Mon 4/13 - 5pm making/eating dinner for David Radcliff; 7pm David Radcliff's talk
Tues 4/14 - 5pm English Society PDR
Wed 4/15 - ***History Web Project Due***
4pm Phi Sigma Iota Induction Ceremony
5pm Leadership and Service Awards Banquet
Thurs 4/16 - 7pm Sean Diamond talk
Fri 4/17 - ***Hebrew Exegesis Due***
Sat 4/18 - 12pm-3pm LEAF Rock Wall
(Invoice finally came! Everything's definite!!!)Sun 4/19 - 9am Stream Clean Up
1:30pm Honors Convocation (my parents are coming up! Yay!)
2pm - Dance Show Rehearsal
(guess which thing I'm skipping because these two events overlap?)
Mon 4/20 - ***History Book Review Due***
6:30pm Dance Show Final Rehearsal - 9pm actual Show
Tues 4/21 - Focus the Nation? (shit, I keep forgetting to call this guy!!!) --->CANCELED! THANK GOD!!!Wed 4/22 - 4:30pm LEAF PDR
6pm-9pm Earth Day Celebrations
Thurs 4/23 - **final German essay due?**
7pm LEAF Tie-Dye Party
Fri 4/24 - Spring Concert
(I don't think I'm gonna go to this - I'm just going to want to sleep by the end of this week)Sat 4/15 -
late morning or late afternoon? LEAF Kayak Trip
(If we can't get late afternoon, then I am giving up!)5pm Senior Celebration at DiSalvo's (skipping if kayak trip is in the evening)
Alright, so only two things really have changed...Time to call the damned Kayaking place again and just settle for the damned evening time and get a damn estimate on the price! I'm sick of them not calling me back!