

Well, my last final ever. Done. And I think I did pretty well. It took me an hour and 15 minutes and I filled almost the whole blue book (one-sided pages, though...pencil is icky when you write on both sides). It hasn't kicked in yet, though. Maybe after a shower and after lunch it will. Or maybe it won't until the car's packed up and I'm driving home.

Oh well, shower, lunch, grading, correcting German essays...pick up more grading. Packing and cleaning will be splashed in there somewhere. But yay for grading so I can have some money at least for the beginning of summer until I find a job!!!

Oh yea, I went to Rickett's Glen with Stuart yesterday. That was so nice. Denise and I also spent some time playing video games with Jordan and Eric. That was nice, too. Wonder what I'm doing tomorrow...


Been a While...

German Final Essay [check]
Hebrew Final [check] (with already an A for my oral portion!!!)
Final Art Projects [check for as much as I can do until she pulls everything out of the kiln and refills it]

Correct two other German essays
Study for History TONIGHT!
Ancient Near East assignment grading
Rickett's Glen with Stuart tomorrow!
Packing tomorrow!
Ancient Near East assignment grading (also tomorrow!)
History Final Thursday morning
Party on Thursday!
(interspersed with Ancient Near East final grading)
Friday...more partying! (also dotted with grading the finals for Ancient Near East!)
Go home Friday evening!!! SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!!!
Saturday = lovely family time
Saturday night = hanging out with Laura and Cassie and whoever else will home to join!!!

Also: Job searches!


Fixing the List...Less Stressful?

Mon 4/13 - 5pm making/eating dinner for David Radcliff; 7pm David Radcliff's talk
Tues 4/14 - 5pm English Society PDR
Wed 4/15 - ***History Web Project Due***
4pm Phi Sigma Iota Induction Ceremony
5pm Leadership and Service Awards Banquet
Thurs 4/16 - 7pm Sean Diamond talk
Fri 4/17 - ***Hebrew Exegesis Due***
Sat 4/18 - 12pm-3pm LEAF Rock Wall (Invoice finally came! Everything's definite!!!)
Sun 4/19 - 9am Stream Clean Up
1:30pm Honors Convocation (my parents are coming up! Yay!)
2pm - Dance Show Rehearsal
(guess which thing I'm skipping because these two events overlap?)

Mon 4/20 - ***History Book Review Due***
6:30pm Dance Show Final Rehearsal - 9pm actual Show
Tues 4/21 - Focus the Nation? (shit, I keep forgetting to call this guy!!!) --->CANCELED! THANK GOD!!!
Wed 4/22 - 4:30pm LEAF PDR
6pm-9pm Earth Day Celebrations
Thurs 4/23 - **final German essay due?**
7pm LEAF Tie-Dye Party
Fri 4/24 - Spring Concert (I don't think I'm gonna go to this - I'm just going to want to sleep by the end of this week)
Sat 4/15 - late morning or late afternoon? LEAF Kayak Trip (If we can't get late afternoon, then I am giving up!)
5pm Senior Celebration at DiSalvo's (skipping if kayak trip is in the evening)

Alright, so only two things really have changed...Time to call the damned Kayaking place again and just settle for the damned evening time and get a damn estimate on the price! I'm sick of them not calling me back!


The Chinese Really DO Have the Magical Herbs!!!!

The whole weekend, Stuart's been sick. Friday he was complaining of a sore throat. Saturday he was complaining of a sore throat even more. Sunday it was the sore throat and chills. Oh shit. I make him lay down in bed, put the blankets on him, give him some nyquil, and try to warm him up. I went to bed half an hour later and he literally burned me when I laid down. I couldn't touch him! But an hour an a half later, he was ripping off his clothes because he was hot. I figured that was a good sign. I took his temperature in the morning and he was 100degrees. He skipped all his classes and I made sure he was sleeping, drinking tea, and taking either advil or nyquil to quench the fever. By 3 I told him he had to go to health services, so he made an appointment for today.

Later that night as I was making him tea and asked Lala if she had any honey because that would sooth his throat. She said, "Oh no, not honey! Boil some ginger! You drink that when you have cough or sore throat." "Oh?" And in her is-she-being-serious-or-not? voice, she said, "Yes, ginger is magic Chinese herb." So I boiled some. I made him a lot, though, I didn't realize how much it was going to make. It was a whole tall glass of it. Half way through it he said, "Oh my god, Lala, my throat is actually already feeling better." She was like, "Whaa? See, I told you it's magic Chinese herb! This is what they did in China like when my mom was a kid, when there wasn't enough medicine." I do believe it goes waaaaaay further than that!

When I came back from a HORRID David Lynch film, I took his temp again: Perfectly normal. Dude, ginger all the way. I'm never taking western medicine for sore throats again.


The Last Three Weeks of College...

I'm following suite with Cassie and writing out my last month of school. This week I have nothing - there's a movie I have to watch Monday night, which means I can't watch Heroes, and I also need to let my club know that someone else needs to go to the last Town Meeting. Thursday I'm skipping my ceramics class to go home early for Easter (which means I should probably give extra time to it during the week - I need a soft slab and three thrown cylinders and I'm done. But I have no idea what I'm gonna do). I'm so excited to go home!!! I can't wait!!! This week I also need to do research hard core for my web page project with Heather (Tyrants of Ancient Greece!) and my exegesis paper for Hebrew (look up the word "to kill" in the Commandment "Thou shalt not kill" - Analyze it, look up the number of times it's used in the Bible and look at it's contextual use there - What else can this word mean? - Why did the author use this specific word "rtsH" as opposed to the most commonly used word for kill "moot"?). These will be severely worked on over Easter break, along with looking for jobs, trying to get an appointment with UPenn, and looking over all my options with my parents, whom I think will give me the best advice I need right now. Ok, ON TO THE LIST!

Mon 4/13 - 5pm making/eating dinner for David Radcliff; 7pm David Radcliff's talk
Tues 4/14 - 5pm English Society PDR
Wed 4/15 - History Web Project Due
4pm Phi Sigma Iota Induction Ceremony
5pm Leadership and Service Awards Banquet
Thurs 4/16 - 7pm Sean Diamond talk - I guess I have to miss it because I have class and we're not allowed to ask for any more days off...
Fri 4/17 - Hebrew Exegesis Due
Sat 4/18 - 12pm-3pm LEAF Rock Wall
Sun 4/19 - 9am Stream Clean Up
1:30pm Honors Convocation (my parents are coming up! Yay!)
2pm - Dance Show Rehearsal (guess which thing I'm skipping because these two events overlap?)
Mon 4/20 - History Book Review Due
6:30pm Dance Show Final Rehearsal - 9pm actual Show
Tues 4/21 - Focus the Nation? (shit, I keep forgetting to call this guy!!!)
Wed 4/22 - 4:30pm LEAF PDR
6pm-9pm Earth Day Celebrations
Thurs 4/23 - final German essay due?
7pm LEAF Tie-Dye Party
Fri 4/24 - Spring Concert (I don't think I'm gonna go to this - I'm just going to want to sleep by the end of this week)
Sat 4/15 - late morning or late afternoon? LEAF Kayak Trip
5pm Senior Celebration at DiSalvo's (skipping if kayak trip is in the evening)

I'm too stressed at this moment looking at everything to even think about Finals yet, so they're not going up. Well, time for breakfast and then on to work! Later today, Denise, Melissa, and I are getting graduation pictures done together!!! I'm so excited! But I still don't know what to wear....


Awards Ceremonies!

I got a letter in my mailbox today saying that I'm getting an award of some kind at Honors Convocation - I also got an email inviting me to the Leadership and Service Awards banquet, which means I'll be getting something for that too. Only thing with the Honors Convocation is that someone set it to happen at the exact same time as Dance Show Dress Rehearsal. Yay! Which means I can't do both! Well, I'm definitely going to Convocation. That's not something you miss.

When I was reading the letter, Stuart looked at me and said, "I still don't understand how the hell you didn't get into grad school." *sigh* Oh wells.