
packing packing pakcing pakcign apkcign gnaipkc...

So...I'm delaying my packing a bit by posting. I'm getting nervous. Hoping things go smoothly. Oh, I heard a reply back from my host, Suzanne and her roommate boyfriend Sören . They seem nice and at least they have wireless internet for me! yay! I should be online now a lot, or at least as much as I am when I'm at home...which is a lot! haha. Momma took me out to get some last minute things, including a backpack for carry-on, a few new clothes, a new dig hat (because I stupidly threw my old one away last year), and a fancy new camera! Yay for student loans! :( But now I have a beautiful camera with which to post beautiful pictures on here! For instance, these are a few pics from around the house:

Aw, what a good Amber dog.

Silly Matthew...

Aaaannnddd, the packing....

And more packing...

And yes, more packing!!!!!

*sigh* Ok, enough break, back to packing...BLAARRRGGGHH!!!!


Two Day Before Departure...

Hello to all my loved ones. This shall be my lifeline to you all whilst I am abroad! Um, sorry Denise, I sort of ripped off your blog title. heh. Oh yes, this is not only to keep me in touch with my family, but also my friends from all over.

So, I'm also testing out how this works, let's see...how to upload pictures. Mmm...this is how excited I am for my travels!
This is how nervous I am about my travels:

And this is how I feel about not being able to see my family or friends all summer long:

Yes, I shall be very sad to not see you all.

Ok, well, lastly...if you want to make comments back to my posts, you'll have to know my new email address (because for some reason it doesn't automatically insert itself...I noticed this for whenever I would try to reply to Denise's blogs). So here it is: dav.alli3@gmail.com

I don't think I'm going to use it normally, though I guess I'll be checking it at least once a week to see if I receive any replies. Also, for those of you who feel the need to mail something to me (I wouldn't necessarily recommend it because it is very expensive to mail to Europe!) here is my mailing address:

Goethe-Institut Berlin
Neue Schönhauser Str. 20
10178 Berlin
Fax +49 30 25906-400

Oh, the fax was tacked on as well. *shrugs* Oh wells. I will have my cell phone, but calls are limited to EMERGENCIES because it will cost $2 a minute. AHHHHH. However, if any of you severely feel the need to hear my voice or see my face through the interwebs, I suggest getting Skype along with a microphone and a webcam. It is completely FREE for Skype to Skype calls! And you don't even have to sign up for any kind of crazy stuff! It's really a dream come true. But you must be on a computer. Only catch. Doesn't work without a computer. Just go to Skype.com! Otherwise you'll just be seeing beautiful pictures that I decide to post up here. I found out who my host will be (Suzanne Wenzel) and emailed her today and will hopefully hear back from her soon. *sigh* Ok, back to packing...