Whoa, I found a blog post that I never published from 2008!
FINALLY! I got through a good chunk of my homework already. Yea, I still have to write up a conclusion paragraph for my essay for Anthropology, but that can wait. I don't have class until 2pm. Alright, so begins my pictures from Oktoberfest last weekend! Yay!
We parked in a field! Whatevs, that's cool.
The fair grounds...
At this place...
Yay! Erm...your "f" is falling off...
I stole some pictures from Denise. Eric decided to make a funny face for this one...
What the...and so did Jordan. He looks pretty disgusted about something...
And here's the food and wine stand where the hicks come to get their food and wine...
Hey! I'm no hick!
And other food stands...
They had a horseradish mustard for the brats and sauerkraut. It was fantastic! As prooved by this photo of Jordan after having taken the first bite...
Psh, I'm totally better at handling that awesome hottness than Jordan...
Yea! Heather loves the brats!!!
Hi, Heather's parents!!!! They came up for a yummy treat, too.
Some of our peoples from German club...
Janna und Christian! Our German exchange students! hehe, crazy Liederhosen and barmaid outfits...
And this is where it all began...the corn fight. See those dried out corn stalks? Yep...perfect ammunition.
But first, some swaying to Oompa music with beer mugs!!!
Denise refused to take part. Mainly because she won't drink beer...or any alcohol...
PROST!!!! tehehe
Jordan got really sick of the picture taking...
Yay! More of our German club peoples!
And it begins...
The first pitch...
Then we got up to watch the oompa band.
Aaaaand, Eric began his enormous assault....
...on poor, innocent, unsuspecting me. I was only waiting in the beer line for my second beer.
He got corn in my beer mug. :(
So much corn...
And it went down my hoodie!!!!!
Then I got my beer and all was well.
Ah, the sunset over the beer tent...
Then Jordan decided to be a creep-o. Look out, Alli! He's right behind you!!
Oh God, Eric, he's coming for you!!!!!
Nah, actually Denise was just trying to get a picture of him. It was quite difficult.
Until I ducked quickly out of the picture and Densie finally got him!!!!! Woooo!!!
Victory dance! No fine, thank you.
Laughing maniacally at the Spaghett video...
Then Eric thought it a good idea to start throwing pieces of ghords.
So of course I started playing with them. Lookit! I'm Gonzo!
Then all hell broke loose as we all grabbed a corn cob and headed out into the darkness!
Look at that crazy face! Don't mess with me!
Jordan wanted no part. Pf, thinks he's too good for us...
Oh God, Eric found back-up!!!
FINALLY! I got through a good chunk of my homework already. Yea, I still have to write up a conclusion paragraph for my essay for Anthropology, but that can wait. I don't have class until 2pm. Alright, so begins my pictures from Oktoberfest last weekend! Yay!

reading this is like living it all over again
Oh my goodness, I remember this! :-D So much fun!
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