Alright, here are some pictures from when we went to Postdam! There one shall find the awesome gardens and ugly sculpture of the castle Sans Souci and the Orangerie just outside of Berlin.

This is a church. It's under reconstruction. I don't really remember what our tour guide had to say about this. First, because he talked only in German, and secondly because I was slightly tired. This was also a very long tour. I think it took us an hour to walk to Sans Souci from here.

Some government building which uninterested me... haha.

Another pretty church. There was a wedding that had just let out when we walked past it. I should have my map with me as I do this because that would tell me what the name of this church is because I forget. I'm also a little tired out of it at the moment. We stayed up to watch the European Cup match last night between Turkey and Croatia, but fell asleep with 30 minutes left. Then we went back to sleep after breakfast this morning (which was at 8am) and ended up sleeping all the way until lunch (1pm). haha. Then we were going to go for a walk to this little unexcavated tel, but took too long to get ready, apparently, because they left without us. Which was ok with us because it was oppressively hot. So we grabbed our computers to come here and have been doing that for a little while. Anyway, back to the pictures...

On our way to another church on the premises of Sans Souci. It was absolutely gorgeous.

A super cool Jesus statue! lol.

It's the Ten Commandments in German! haha!

The alter inside the church. It was really pretty. See the little dove hanging from the thingy over the alter? haha, nifty. The little old man way in the back was our tour guide. And the two blurry guys on the far left are Michele and Francesco.

Close up on the alter.

The organ pipes! Coolios. The ceiling reminds me of one of the churches in Italy. I believe it was in Rome, but I can't quite remember. Again, the tiredness. But do you see the clerestory windows (the top row of windows which became famous for cathedrals)?

Alright, King Friedrich Wilhelm and his Queen Elisabeth Luise are buried here!

Then we headed out into the gardens. Here's a very pretty sculpture in one of the little flower gardens...

Here's a nice view of the church across part of the gardens...

Haha, this was when we finally arrived at San Souci. The river had thingies in it bubbling to keep the water clean, but we thought it looked like someone was drowning. So I took a picture. Someone from another class pointed sadly to the "drowning" fellow...

The cascading garden around Sans Souci. The yellow building up on top is the palace itself. That's me in front of the large fountain! The gardens had grape vines!

Some of the pretty flowers around. Aw...

Some sleepy duckies around the fountain...

Haha, Francesco with the only original Romanesque statue still sitting on the grounds of Sans Souci. Of course the Roman must be with his kind. He was naturally attracted to it.

The super ugly sculptures on the outside of the palace. No pictures were allowed inside the palace, though. Sorry.

The look down to the can see the church's in the background that we passed by way in the beginning.

This is Friedrich the Great! They put flowers and potatoes on his grave. I think the potatoes are because he brought food to the poorer people of Germany or something like that. But he's also known for loving his dogs more than anyone or anything else...

These are the graves of his dogs...

The Orangerie! Guess what kinds of stuff grew here??? ORANGE TREES! Duh. lol. And a big windmill in the background!

And here's the windmill. It still spins! And you can go up to it, but it cost money, so we didn't do it. haha.
Well, ok, that is definitely all for now. I'm getting a bit sick of updating. But things should hopefully go this fast for updates in the future! I have about 8 to 10 more posts for Germany and then I can start on Israel! Not very much at all has happened yet, but by the time all of Germany is finished, I'm sure there will be plenty to post about for Israel.
We were thinking of going to the Mediterranean today, but we changed our minds. They were taking some people into Jerusalem today for whoever needed to buy some things or change money, etc. But Lesley, Marcella, and I don't really need anything and we've already seen Jerusalem so many times that we decided to put it off for another time. Today we just relaxed and, *cough*, caught up on some sleep. lol. The other volunteers will be here in an hour or two. YAY! We get to see Heather and Kristina soon!!! woop woop!
Ok, till laters...
1 comment:
Hi Sweetheart,
I now know how to access your blog. Sorry I am so slow at learning these new things. Anyway, I am all set to look at your pics, etc.
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