
Arriving in Paris

Our arrival in Paris was a success! Cassie and I survived the long plane rides and enjoyed the time in Iceland's airport. I'd love to visit that place.

We managed to get through the airport, navigate the trains, and even walk to Ella's without incident. Ella was very welcoming and sweet, and her place is quaint and full of character! Just a few pics I snapped of her unique style:

Cassie and I spent the rest of the evening napping and recuperating from our travels. I picked us up a few things from the supermarket too.

It's been chilly and rainy but the sun has managed to show itself a few times. We're enjoying ourselves anyway. Today we're taking it easy after a couple of really walk heavy days, slept in. My next few posts will have lots more photos, and probably will be a lot later. I'm sure many of you have already seen Cassie's album on Facebook. Too many silly pictures! ;-)

Anyway, more to come! 


Hair Donation #3!

As many of you know, I regularly grow out my hair to donate. It takes me usually three to four years to do this so I can donate a really good amount. This time I went a little early - It's only been about two and a half years. I didn't have as much growth as I would have liked, but Kelly told me athat I could donate for oil spill cleanups! They have no minimum growth requirements, so I thought this was the best solution! So, as soon as I hear back from Matter of Trust, I'll be sending along my hair to be a part of a hair mat to soak up oil spills.

The result:

Gotta say, I really love it and enjoy having short hair!


Denise's Visit, Part V: New Apartment!

Denise was still here when Katy and I picked up the keys for our new apartment. It has a nice open floor plan, two bed rooms, large bathroom, and (my favorite) a balcony! We even were allowed one accent wall, a color of our choosing.

After we moved in completely:

I still don’t have many photos of the place. I need to get one with my brand new bed put in! Love that new bed. Anyway, it’s great to have a little more space; and boy do I have plans for that balcony!


Denise's Visit, Part IV: Coit Tower

Remember that photo I shot of Coit Tower after Denise and I went to Alcatraz? No? Here’s a reminder:

Well, one day Denise met up with me after work and we decided to walk up the hundreds of steps to the top.

It was really a nice walk up.

All the houses had gorgeous gardens.

There's a tiger in this garden!

Bee boxes!

There was a statue at the top. I thought it was one of the explorers who discovered the bay Gaspar de Portolà or Juan de Ayala.

But it wasn’t. It was Christopher Columbus. I have no idea why Columbus is up here. It makes no sense to me; the man never even saw this part of the Americas! Why is he up here at Coit Tower???

AND WHY DOES HE LOOKS SO BEEFY? And why is his tunic so sheer?? This whole thing disturbs me.

At least the views from there were amazing. We couldn’t go up the steps because it was closed, but it was at least an adventure getting there!