Why hello all. I am safely back in the States and have been for quite some time. Well, since Friday night. I had a lovely time eating out at a Mexican restaurant that night. Saturday I finally got to see my brothers perform and they were AMAZING. They make me so proud! I've never been so proud in my whole life as when I saw them playing together in the band. It was really great. Then I got to see some of my lovelies for ice cream at Sonic!
Sunday morning we had a...hectic ride back to Lycoming. Stupid "short cut". But we got back just fine. I'm rooming with Heather and Lala (the Asian Sensation! hahaha) in the new apartments, and they are SO AWESOME! Man, we just don't know what to do with so much room! It's so cool. I love it. There wasn't enough time at home, though. Except that my stupid computer wasn't letting me get on the internet!!! Eric and Jordan finally got it all fixed up tonight. Thank God for Mac's. haha. And my computer savvy brother and his roommate. :D No thanks to ITS...psh. They never do much to help.
My first classes were all super amazing! I think I'm really going to love all of them. Oh wait... Cultural Anthropology is gonna be a little boring. But I like it anyway. Hebrew is going to be tough until I get that alphabet down, but I'm really excited for it! My Archaeology Theory and Methods course is super interesting. Pam Gaber is a really good professor. I think this course is really going to prep me a lot for grad school, which is fantastic. My German Poetry class is SO AWESOME already. I feel so comfortable with my German now and I'm not hesitant to participate. Also, people who decide to take German are just so much cooler and so much more fun than other people. ;)
After my class I found out that I will have a THIRD job on campus now. woot! Dr. Johnson asked me if I would want to be the Greek tutor again because some of the students were asking if they could have a tutor again. He's just going to run it by the tutor center again, I think. I have to get there for my German position yet, too. I'll be tutoring for 101 and 111 of German! Yay! The beginner levels! It's going to be so fun! We've had a ton of new students to the German department, so there are 3 tutors all together. And then today I went to my first day of my third job: Biblical Archaeology lab assistant! It's going to be a little...frustrating at times, just because it's Dr. Knauth. But hopefully I can be a help and offer some insight to the students.
Already I have to get stuff together for LEAF (I'm the president this year. aaaaaah!!!): Involvement Fair tomorrow afternoon and Campus Carnival on Sunday. *sigh* But luckily I've already run into a couple of the members and they're pretty excited about getting things started. Thank God! Then this Friday is the first Stammtisch, then Knoebels with Denise, Melissa, Eric, Jordan, Heather, Lala, and Abby (Lala's friend from China)! Yay! Unfortunately, we realized that it's Labor Day Weekend. It's going to be super packed. Luckily we can stay at Denise's place for the weekend. woop woop! haha.
Alright, well, I haven't started on any homework yet and I gotta get that started. I just wanted to update that I made it back ok and everything. Hopefully I'll get the rest of my Germany pictures up soon! Alright, wells...that's all for now. tootles!
Last day....
*sigh* so today is my last day in Berlin....I'm going to miss it. It's the greatest city I've ever been to. I'm definitely coming back. I made a lot of really nice people and it was just a blast. Yesterday was our last day of class and we all pitched in 2euro for gifts for our teacher, Brigitta. It was so awesome. We bought her this gorgeous flower plant, a box of lindt chocolates, and a poster of Johnny Depp...because she loves him. hahaha. We even wrote her a "love note" on the back of the poster using all the grammar we learned. haha. It was super funny. She used to make us do talk shows and write love notes to each other and such, so it was really cute. She was so happy about it all. Then the whole class went out for dinner at this AMAZING Greek restaurant, and the people there were so awesome. We were supposed to meet at 8:30pm, but of course some people were late. haha. And we ended up arriving at 9pm. We were there until 12:30. haha. The people were awfully nice about it. They actually told us we could stay as long as we wanted. Angelika went crazy because she could finally speak Greek with people. haha. It was so amusing. It was a really good night filled with delicious Greek cuisine, good prices, and we all got a complimentary drink of orzi (erm, I think that's it...it's a Greek drink) or Amaretto. That was very sweet of them.
So it was all in all an amazing day. Oh wait, except for the getting up super early to take my test. That part wasn't fun. BUT I think I did pretty well because it wasn't very difficult. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But we'll see how my speaking interview goes. Haha. I have that in an hour and I think it's only supposed to last at most 20 minutes. Then some of us are going to meet one last time for lunch. Then it's packing packing packing for me! Maybe I can get some more pictures up while I'm packing tonight.
I come home tomorrow!!!! Yay!!! I'm so excited!!!! I can't wait to be home. But I get home late... :( I don't have very much time between home and Lyco, so I can't see all my beautiful people before I leave for Lyco. *sob* I'll just have to try to make weekend trips. Hopefully my work load isn't so bad that I can do that often enough.
OH! The ASOR meeting is in Boston this year! I totally wanna go! Sam and Steve are making presentations on our finds and such! I wanna hear! And technically we have a "staff meeting" on the first Friday night of it all...I think. Not entirely sure. HEATHER! Wanna go to ASOR with me?! Oh, ASOR: American Schools of Oriental Research. Or also, SBL: Society of Biblical Literature. I think they work together...there's another one too...but I can't remember it. And it doesn't really work with ASOR...
Anywho, I need to get ready for my test.
Altes Museum! Pt. 1...
Yea, alright, here are some pics from when I went to the Altes Museum! Yay! They have Egyptian and Late Greek Antiquities. Erm, I have too many pictures from all of this, so I'm just going to put up the Egyptian pictures first. haha.
Alright, and now we move on to my most favoritest time period on all of Egypt: The Amarna Period!!!! Ooooooooh maaaaaaaaaan, I love this time!!!! Alright, the first link I provided for this time is just super brief and talks about the kings. But THIS link really gets into why this is my favorite time period: The dramatic change in theology and art and the mysteries surrounding all of it!!!! Also, you can read the much-too-short-for-my-liking blurb written in the museum, of which I took a picture:
Ok ok, I'm done, that's all of the Amarna Period I have for you all. I know, I know, you're all thinking, "Oh thank GOD!" ...or should you say ATEN! hahahaha. Ok, sorry, geek joke... *ahem*
But now I am SUPER tired and hungry and, oh crap! I forgot to go to the supermarket! Oh wait, no I didn't...it's not open on Sundays. Alright, I'm eating out tonight! Erm...oh man, it's kinda late. Hope something's open. I need to get to bed early tonight, though, because first thing tomorrow, I'm going to the PERGAMON MUSEUM to see it's BABYLONIAN EXHIBIT! Ooooooh yeeeeeaaaa!!!!!! I'm sooo excited! THAT is my favorite civilization. No wait, the Assyrians, wait, Ur...or Ugarit! ARGH! I don't know...they all blend together anyway because they all wanted to copy each other. Anywho's, I'm super excited. It's the only museum not free on Thursdays because of this special exhibit and the last time I tried to get in, it was a three hour wait. So I checked it out online and I saw that I could BOOK my tickets online! AAAAH! So I bought my 6euro ticket for tomorrow morning as soon as it opens! woop woop! And that's what I'm doing before class tomorrow!
I'm quite excited also because I muchly prefer doing these museum things by myself. I get all excited in my head and now I get to share them with people online, so I also think about and plan out how I want to show them to you guys and group them up in different ways so it makes it easier for explaining. Whoa, I'm a total nerd. I've said too much already.
Oh man, and then we're going to a house party after class. Poo, guess tomorrow is a coffee binge day. haha. TIME FOR FOODS!
So I just got a phone call from my super talented younger brothers Matt and Paul and I am so excited and so proud of them. This is now the 4th place I've written this because I'm so proud of them. While on vacation at the beach, some guy at a hoagie shop asked them to play their bagpipes and drum for a few days...and they were paid. Nothing better than making money on vacation! haha. WELL, these boys are well on their way to becoming the most famous mini bagpipe band in the world, I think. Just wait, someday you'll see them on tour... But while playing there one day, (simplified story) this guy came up and was like, we were hoping to have someone play the bagpipes at this news castor's birthday party in Avalon at his super awesome mansion! Would you like to do it?
Hmm...lemme think for a minute...YES. The guy came around to the beach house earlier today to drop off the pay and said to my dad, "Oh yea, and the Eagles players are also going to be at this party." *jaw drops* First, they get a gig for a rich dude at the beach, then they find out that they could meet the Eagles. These boys, I tell ya. Ok, I was just so excited and so proud that I had to run an update on this news.
That is all. Oh, and I want pictures and video of this.
Hmm...lemme think for a minute...YES. The guy came around to the beach house earlier today to drop off the pay and said to my dad, "Oh yea, and the Eagles players are also going to be at this party." *jaw drops* First, they get a gig for a rich dude at the beach, then they find out that they could meet the Eagles. These boys, I tell ya. Ok, I was just so excited and so proud that I had to run an update on this news.
That is all. Oh, and I want pictures and video of this.
Das Wetter...
Whoa, I checked the weather for back home today for the first time, like, for the entire time I've been here. Man, you guys have sun and heat and sun and few clouds and sun. Know what we've had here in Berlin for the past week and a half? Rain...chilly...rain...oh, only dark, grey, and cloudy today...windy with some rain...rain...whoa, the sun, but chilly...rain. haha. Yay for north north European weather! You should hear the Spanish, Greek, and Brazilians complaining. It's pretty funny. BUT I found out that I'm actually tanner than the Brazilians...which I thought was super funny. Today I actually slept in really late because the weather was so grey, I thought it was still early. Then when I was like, NO, I JUST CAN'T SLEEP ANYMORE! WHAT TIME IS IT? I saw that it was actually 1pm. haha. oops. Well I hope that means I shall have lots of energy for the Salsa dance party they're having tonight.
I was supposed to meet up with people this weekend from my term back in May (whoa, almost wrote Mai...but that's Deutsch) but half the people canceled because of work and the other half didn't realize we were still planning it. :( Oh wells, I plan on returning to wonderful wonderful Berlin in the near future and to continue coming here and maybe one day live here for a bit. I think that would be fantastic. It's really not that expensive in Berlin...or really Germany. And the French and Spanish and Greek people think so, too. They're impressed by the cheap foods in the super markets and cheap prices for restaurants with GOOD food (Vietnamese for 5euro plates FULL of food and rice and noodles....*drools*; pizza and coke 3euro; of course kebab 2 to 4 euro; Middle Eastern 6euro). It's only when you want the "fancy" cuisines that you have to pay a lot (Italian 12euro; French 24euro; Japanese 10euro). And German foods span the entire price range, depending on where you're eating: Biergarten 5 to 10euro; "nice" restaurant 12 to 20euro. This really is quite an amazing city with a HUGE range of cultures and things to do and see and eat. Living can be cheap or expensive (50 to 80 cubic meter apartments in Potsdamer Platz I hear go for 1000euro a month...damn). But that's Postdamer Platz. My host family pays I think only 300euro (?) a month for a nice sized apartment for a young couple, especially for it's location, which is only a 10 to 15 minute UBahn ride from Berlin Mitte - sehr gut!
But anyways. Countdown to home: 6 days; Countdown to Lyco: 8 days. Ooooooh mmaaaaaaaan!
My flight from Berlin is 11:05am, which means I need to be there at least by 8am. Then it's a two hour flight to London Heathrow (I still have to figure out which terminal I LEAVE from... hopefully it stays the same and doesn't decide to change on me AGAIN. Oh wait...I have a two and a half hour layover. Ach, Gott sei Dank! *passes out* Last time I only had one hour and I almost didn't make it. Phew, I can take my time this time around...that'll make things superbly easier. Yea, and then it's only a 2 hour flight to the states! haha, I'm just kidding, that's giving local times. It's actually 8 hours. Whoa, cool, I found an awesome picture of the world time zones! Just in case anyone's interested. lol.
Hahaha...Soeren keeps saying, "RED RUM!" in the scary little voice that kid makes in The Shining. haha, "Danny's not here Mrs. Torrence..." haha, that's such a good movie, I love Jack Nicholson...
Ok, but now I must get moving. I took my time eating breakfast...at 1:30pm. haha. Folded and put away my clean laundry, checked all my email and internet stuffs, checked my flight times, updated, and now it's 3pm. I guess it's time I took a shower. Yep...definitely shower time. Then I think I'll start packing up some of my clothes and stuff that I know I won't need (mostly clothes for HOT summer weather and not chilly rainy summer weather), and maybe work on my practice test a bit. Oh man...I'm really nervous for this practice test. But I want to work on it this weekend so that any questions I have about grammar or something, I can ask my Lehrerin about on Monday and work on it some more before my first part on Wednesday morning. There are two parts: Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension, and Grammar are on Wednesday morning; Writing and Speaking on Thursday morning. Uuuugh! And it's for the entire B1 section, not just B1,1...which means I need to quickly brush up on B1,2. But then the next time I go to study German, I get to take C1!!! And if I complete C1, then I am a qualified international translator of German!!! wooooo! That's my goal!!!
Ok, but really now...shower...I don't know what it is about Europe, but it just makes you smell. Seriously guys, it's not the people...all the time. Because I shower everyday and use deodorant everyday, and when I wake up in the mornings or before I go to bed at night, I'm like, "Hey! I DID shower today..." It's the land, man...wasn't like that in Israel. I smelled in Israel only during the week when we were sweating away up on the Tel...never smelled on the weekends, even if we were sweating just sitting in one place. No stench. It's Europe...hahaha.
I was supposed to meet up with people this weekend from my term back in May (whoa, almost wrote Mai...but that's Deutsch) but half the people canceled because of work and the other half didn't realize we were still planning it. :( Oh wells, I plan on returning to wonderful wonderful Berlin in the near future and to continue coming here and maybe one day live here for a bit. I think that would be fantastic. It's really not that expensive in Berlin...or really Germany. And the French and Spanish and Greek people think so, too. They're impressed by the cheap foods in the super markets and cheap prices for restaurants with GOOD food (Vietnamese for 5euro plates FULL of food and rice and noodles....*drools*; pizza and coke 3euro; of course kebab 2 to 4 euro; Middle Eastern 6euro). It's only when you want the "fancy" cuisines that you have to pay a lot (Italian 12euro; French 24euro; Japanese 10euro). And German foods span the entire price range, depending on where you're eating: Biergarten 5 to 10euro; "nice" restaurant 12 to 20euro. This really is quite an amazing city with a HUGE range of cultures and things to do and see and eat. Living can be cheap or expensive (50 to 80 cubic meter apartments in Potsdamer Platz I hear go for 1000euro a month...damn). But that's Postdamer Platz. My host family pays I think only 300euro (?) a month for a nice sized apartment for a young couple, especially for it's location, which is only a 10 to 15 minute UBahn ride from Berlin Mitte - sehr gut!
But anyways. Countdown to home: 6 days; Countdown to Lyco: 8 days. Ooooooh mmaaaaaaaan!
My flight from Berlin is 11:05am, which means I need to be there at least by 8am. Then it's a two hour flight to London Heathrow (I still have to figure out which terminal I LEAVE from... hopefully it stays the same and doesn't decide to change on me AGAIN. Oh wait...I have a two and a half hour layover. Ach, Gott sei Dank! *passes out* Last time I only had one hour and I almost didn't make it. Phew, I can take my time this time around...that'll make things superbly easier. Yea, and then it's only a 2 hour flight to the states! haha, I'm just kidding, that's giving local times. It's actually 8 hours. Whoa, cool, I found an awesome picture of the world time zones! Just in case anyone's interested. lol.
Hahaha...Soeren keeps saying, "RED RUM!" in the scary little voice that kid makes in The Shining. haha, "Danny's not here Mrs. Torrence..." haha, that's such a good movie, I love Jack Nicholson...
Ok, but now I must get moving. I took my time eating breakfast...at 1:30pm. haha. Folded and put away my clean laundry, checked all my email and internet stuffs, checked my flight times, updated, and now it's 3pm. I guess it's time I took a shower. Yep...definitely shower time. Then I think I'll start packing up some of my clothes and stuff that I know I won't need (mostly clothes for HOT summer weather and not chilly rainy summer weather), and maybe work on my practice test a bit. Oh man...I'm really nervous for this practice test. But I want to work on it this weekend so that any questions I have about grammar or something, I can ask my Lehrerin about on Monday and work on it some more before my first part on Wednesday morning. There are two parts: Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension, and Grammar are on Wednesday morning; Writing and Speaking on Thursday morning. Uuuugh! And it's for the entire B1 section, not just B1,1...which means I need to quickly brush up on B1,2. But then the next time I go to study German, I get to take C1!!! And if I complete C1, then I am a qualified international translator of German!!! wooooo! That's my goal!!!
Ok, but really now...shower...I don't know what it is about Europe, but it just makes you smell. Seriously guys, it's not the people...all the time. Because I shower everyday and use deodorant everyday, and when I wake up in the mornings or before I go to bed at night, I'm like, "Hey! I DID shower today..." It's the land, man...wasn't like that in Israel. I smelled in Israel only during the week when we were sweating away up on the Tel...never smelled on the weekends, even if we were sweating just sitting in one place. No stench. It's Europe...hahaha.
Less aggravation in this post...
You'll all be happy to know that nothing more came about from the racism. Mostly because he didn't really have the guts to show up to class on Wednesday...or Thursday. But he was there today and was awfully cranky. Yea, well, whatever. He can think and do what he wants.
But anyways, tonight I had breakfast for dinner! I made myself French toast! And because there's no maple syrup in Germany, I used nutella. Oh yea, super healthy dinner! But that's what I wanted, so back off!!! haha. Wednesday night a few of us tried to go to a Sigur Ros concert (oh man, I loooove that Icelandic band!!!), but they were all sold out...entirely! I was so upset. Before then we had yummy cheap Middle Eastern cuisine and then for a drink at this nifty nifty cafe/bar/movie theatre place. We're planning on going to the movies there at some point, I think. It was really cool. But when we couldn't get in to the concert we ended up making our way down to this international boat party. It was ok...too many English speaking people, or people who wanted to practice their English, so I just stuck with the people I already knew so I would be forced to speak Deutsch. It wasn't that great, really. It was really late when we left, too, but thank God it was just a few blocks away from my apartment, so I didn't have to figure out how to get home. Though I did have to help everyone else figure out how to get back home. So I ended up walking Angelika 15 minutes to the night bus that led to Alexander Platz...oy, too much. I was soooo tired.
Last night I had no plans, but ran into Luiz on the UBahn and he said he was going to a photography museum, so I decided to go with him, having nothing else to do. It was super cool. It was paparazzi photography! It was entitled: "Helmut Newton Foundation presents Pigozzi and the Paparazzi". Helmut Newton is a famous photographer for many magazines about celebrities, and also photographed, I think, for Maxim and other various magazines. Beware, there may be some nudity in the photos I have linked. But it was really awesome. Unfortunately we couldn't take pictures in the museum. Otherwise I'd have an awesome awesome awesome awesome picture of David Bowie and John Lennon TOGETHER in the same photograph. *drooooools* Never thought so much beauty could be captured in one photograph. hahaha.
But anyways, that's enough of that, here are some photos from one of my earlier tours: Berlin Mitte! Berlin Mitte is a city district...erm, in the middle of the city. It's the oldest part of Berlin and was mostly in East Berlin. It also happens to be one of the most expensive areas of Berlin. haha. Berlin has been in existence since 1700's something, not sure exactly when, but it was originally two little villages (one of which had lots and lots of Czechs and Poles, so the names of many areas in Berlin are very Eastern European sounding: ex. Pankow, Jannowitzbrücke, Hönow). Berlin Mitte includes these oldest villages.
Ok, and now I must be off to meet some people for drinks or something, I don't know what. I just know that I have to be at Postdamer Platz. So, ich gehe jetzt! Tschüss und bis gleich!
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